Before you set foot on the car lot, get preapproved for an auto loan at Armco Credit Union. Getting preapproved for a car loan means you’ll know what kind of rate you’ll pay, and what size loan you’re qualified for.

Armco Credit Union allows you to get your preapproval online or by contacting one of our, in-house, account servicing reps.

If you have questions about how much car you can afford, or how financing works, an Armco Credit Union loan officer will be happy to help.

To apply for preapproval, you’ll need to show:

  • Name and address
  • Social Security number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Employer information (name, hire date, gross income)
  • Current housing information—monthly payment, time in current residence
  • Debt obligations—current credit card debt, home association dues, auto insurance

Once you’re preapproved, you’ll receive a preapproval letter that you can take car shopping; showing the amount you’re approved for.

Getting preapproved is a big advantage, as it shows car sales staff that you’re a serious buyer. It also removes the pressure of negotiating financing contracts at the dealership and allows you to focus your attention on finding the right vehicle. And, if you need another incentive, our low auto / motorcycle loan rates can get you on a faster track toward making your dream car a reality.

Call, stop in or schedule an appointment today! We’re here to help with all of your vehicle loan needs.