Local Scam Notice
Armco CU members have recently reported that individuals claiming to sell insurance have appeared at their house with signed mortgage documents from Armco CU. This is a scam.
When you take out a mortgage (or 1st lien home equity loan), it is required to be filed with Butler County. This information then becomes public information. It is very easy for scammers to obtain this information.
Armco Credit Union does NOT sell home owners insurance.
We do, however, partner with a company called TruStage to sell life insurance. You may receive a letter in the mail offering life insurance. The last TruStage mailing was sent a few weeks ago. The offer is for “$25,000 of life insurance for only $13 a month.” This is a legitimate offer and is a service we provide our members. Click here to see a copy of the offer.
We remind you that Armco CU will NEVER show up on your doorstep for any reason. Similarly, we will never solicit your personal information in a call, text, email or letter in the mail. You can always call us at 724-284-2020 if you feel someone from our organization is trying to contact you.